Earning a living in today’s fast-paced world is challenging and it is more challenging for people and young students from backward and less privileged backgrounds. Low income or poverty need not be a hindrance in the growth of these bright minds, and hence our Programs at Pragatee foundation strive to cater to them with training and skills essential for their financial growth.

Providing a guiding light to the underprivileged youth in the rural and urban areas, Pragatee is a foundation that gives a new pathway to employment opportunities to the less privileged youth. Our foundation aims at bridging the gap between demand and supply of skilled manpower in the fast emerging services and retail sectors of modern India. It creates a pool of young and independent people, from this section of underprivileged youth, through skill enhancement in tandem with market requirements.

Our various training programs including computer and digital training courses at Pragatee foster the needs and dreams of the young minds to explore their skills and provide them with employment opportunities in multiple sectors in today’s digital world and market ultimately enabling them to secure their future and earn a livelihood.