
About pragatee

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So far pragatee has created 255 blog entries.

Microsoft seminar

2021-02-02T05:38:17-05:30July 28th, 2011|Categories: Education|

Pragatee foundation, Mumbai has organized a Microsoft office specialist campion program & student counseling career guidance program at Dadar, Vashi & Borivali. The [...]

World environment day-2011

2021-02-02T05:39:36-05:30May 20th, 2011|Categories: Social|

The United Nations General Assembly in 1972 established World Environment Day. On the same day, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was created [...]

Student career guidance program

2021-02-02T05:41:17-05:30February 25th, 2010|Categories: Social|

Pragatee foundation, Mumbai has organized the Student counseling and Career Guidance Program at New English School, Kamothe Navi Mumbai. The program was concentrated [...]

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